Saturday, February 4, 2012

Harry, Edward, and Me.

Before we get serious here, I have to address this issue. I know it may be heart-breaking, but no, I do not look like Harry Potter or Edward Cullen. I really have no clue why this issue is pressed so often. I'm nothing like either of them. I don't go to a magic school where they teach you magic things, (though I really wish I did,) and I don't sparkle. At all. (I'm quite proud of that.) I'm just a regular kid living my own life. I love music, acting, writing, drawing, and photography.....Though, I do...happen to...also have a lightning-shaped scar in a very inconspicuous location...

...Alright, so the Harry Potter theory may be understandable. But Edward Cullen? That's just ridiculous, and I'll prove it. Let's compare pictures.

Me during my freshman year of high school.

Edward Cullen during his first year of high school (in 1693).

Come on, let's be real.